The block editor shipped with Wordpress 5.0 borrows publishing traits from gutenberg press.
Let's take a brief look at the old press to notice a basic concept brought into Wordpress 5.0.1 block editing.
The original wooden frame printing press, where a publisher time consumingly arranges individual letters into a wooden tray.
Placing the tray on the press and inking.
Placing a paper sheet on a wooden frame and sliding frame under a wooden press.
Pulling on handle to press inked blocks on to sheet of paper.
Having reusable ink-able trays with neatly arranged letters is similar to having reusable html blocks a editor can use multiple times.
Starting with Wordpress 5.0 you can create a reusable block.
Reusable blocks can easily be used multiple times once created.
The classic editor
The most used classic editor is still there among other blocks and easily accessible starting in version 5.0.1.
You can also switch between code view and visual view in classic editor.
Everyone benefits
The maintainers of WordPress seem to be aware of publishing and ecosystem around their content management system.
Just as with the old Gutenberg press. Once the original hurdle of putting the press together and the process that goes along with publishing. The other skills that are required are either outsourced by way of various software license purchases, or individuals working together, or variation of software and personal to fulfill those requirements.
- "How a Gutenberg printing press works" ( [youtube]
- "Johannes gutenberg and the printing press" (
- "Stephen Fry and the Gutenberg Press" (
- "Wordpress Gutenberg 5.0 RELEASED: DONT UPDATE! - Divi Theme, Elementor and Brizy TESTED!!"([youtube]
- "WordPress Gutenberg Demo"([youtube]